Chronic disease could be a thing of the past, if National Institutes of Health Director Francis S. Collins, MD, has it right. Testifying Tuesday before the Senate, he said NIH is poised to launch a massive data-driven initiative to combat chronic conditions.
(SPONSORED) Jonathan Niloff, MD, vice president and CMO for McKesson Connected Care & Analytics, details the top foundational strategies for managing population health.
Underpinning the newly established pharmacogenomics clinic at NorthShore University HealthSystem is a strong analytics infrastructure -- positioning it for a future where every patient has pharmacogenomic data in their EMRs.
The elite group of Stage 7 organizations have overcome many challenges in achieving a paperless environment. Here's a chance to take advantage of their experiences and some lessons to keep in mind as your organization works toward EMR optimization.
A new survey published in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association wanted to gauge medical students' attitudes regarding clinical informatics training and careers. Instead, researchers found a surprising lack of awareness about the field.
If a health system is given a choice of 50 quality measures and has to choose 10, how do they choose the best 10?
(SPONSORED) Senior vice president and CIO for University Health System, William Phillips, talks about how the hospital's partnership with Allscripts has positively impacted patient care.
(SPONSORED) Ketan Paranjape, general manager, Life Sciences at Intel Corporation, discusses the challenges of genomic sequencing and merging data with EHRs.
Mayo Clinic is publishing commercialized analytics tools on the Apervita platform, offering other healthcare organizations the chance to leverage its clinical knowledge.