
By Adrian Gropper, MD 04:49 pm January 29, 2009
Transparency, in the form of a complete, patient-centered and accessible health record is a policy principle that can drive the next wave of health care innovation. Investing exclusively in institutional EHRs will further stifle efficiency, innovation and improvement.
By Jack Beaudoin 09:52 am January 27, 2009
I woke up at 2:30 a.m. eastern this morning with a single thought -- what the American health system needs is an X Prize. Had it not been so cold (it's hard to keep a Maine country house warm when it's 20 below zero), I might have written my blog immediately. I'm glad I didn't.
By John Halamka 09:17 am January 26, 2009
In recent weeks, a worm called Conficker has infected 9 million Microsoft Windows desktops and servers throughout the world via a Windows security flaw identified in October 2008. The BIDMC Security team has provided me with several briefings that I'd like to share with you.
By David Kibbe 09:10 am January 26, 2009
Now that the Obama administration and Congress have committed to spending billions of tax payers’ money on health IT as part of the economic stimulus package, it’s important to be clear about what consumers and patients ought to expect in return -- better decision-making by doctors and patients.
By Chad A. Eckes 02:11 pm January 23, 2009
Most healthcare information technology vendors want you to believe that their software can meet any organization's needs. As a matter of fact, healthcare IT vendors and their software are quite unique. The single most important process for a successful software implementation is the selection of the correct solution.
By Matthew Holt 12:48 pm January 22, 2009
Those of you paying attention for the past few days might have noticed on the one hand a sense of optimism and unity as Barrack H. Obama, somewhat somberly, began his Presidency.
By John Halamka 11:54 am January 20, 2009
(By John Halamka, MD) It's inauguration day. The energy is palpable. Dozens of people have emailed me about their sense of optimism, their commitment to personal responsibility, and their "Yes We Can" attitude toward the audacious healthcare reform work ahead.
By John Halamka 12:05 pm January 19, 2009
In Washington, Healthcare Information Technology policy planning is accelerating at a pace that is faster than at any time in history (at least my 30 years in healthcare IT).
By Jack Beaudoin 08:58 am January 15, 2009
Show of hands -- how many people think Steve Jobs has an electronic medical record? Yeah, me too. So if EMR security is so lousy, how come we haven't seen Jobs' private data?
By David Kibbe 11:09 am January 12, 2009
On Dec. 19, we published an Open Letter to the Obama Health Team, cautioning the incoming Administration against limiting its Health Information Technology (IT) investments to Electronic Health Records (EHRs). Instead, we recommended that their health IT plan be rethought to favor a large array of innovative applications that can be easily adopted...