HIMSS23 Europe: Digital health leaders gather to discuss the future of European health policies

By identifying priorities and fostering collaborations, the DHAGE meeting at HIMSS23 European Health Conference and Exhibition aims to drive advancements in healthcare throughout the region.
By Tammy Lovell
09:12 AM

Photo: HIMSS/Ard Jongsma

Key decision-makers from major international organisations and nine countries gathered today (7 June) for the fifth annual Digital Health Advisory Group for Europe (DHAGE) high-level meeting.

The outcomes of the meeting will be shared tomorrow (8 June) during a session at the HIMSS European Health Conference and Exhibition in Lisbon. This will provide insights into how the priorities identified during the meeting will shape digital health in Europe.

Established by HIMSS and the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, DHAGE has become a powerhouse of thought leadership in the digital health landscape. The community serves as a platform for critical discussions, idea exchanges, and collaborative initiatives that shape the future of healthcare.

The DHAGE high-level meeting saw participation from digital health frontrunners such as Finland, France, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, Wales, and international bodies the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
A report from the meeting will be made available for feedback from different stakeholders and HIMSS communities this summer. This aims to ensure that insights and recommendations presented in the report are strengthened through the collective expertise of the broader stakeholder community.
One of the focal points of the meeting was capitalising on momentum created by the European Union (EU), WHO, and European countries that have recently defined their strategies for the decade of digital action
To further advance this momentum, the DHAGE group embarked on the development of its ‘plan for the decade of digital health action’, which aims to help Europe achieve significant advancements in digital health policies, improve healthcare outcomes and drive innovation. 
During the meeting, participants analysed the landscape for digital health and identified key priorities that will guide members through the ‘digital health decade’.
The discussion revolved around three main topics: People and professionals, governance and interoperability, and innovation and solutions. 
Outcomes of the meeting will be revealed in the session 'Drivers of digital health: In the next decade in the light of the DHAGE action plan' at HIMSS23 on 8 June.

It will feature the speakers Abigail Norville, deputy secretary general at the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport in the Netherlands, Louisa Stüwe, project director - Ministerial eHealth delegation at the French Ministry of Health, Petra Wilson, senior advisor on EU Policy for HIMSS, and Päivi Sillanaukee, special envoy for health and wellbeing at the Finnish Ministry for Social Affairs and Health.


The DHAGE high-level meeting serves as a crucial platform for fostering collaborations and identifying synergies among European countries in the field of digital health.
In past years, the DHAGE has called for more inclusive and accessible health services and identified barriers to adoption such as lack of digital skills and connectivity. 

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