Risks run high as the healthcare industry in Australia is increasingly becoming more data-reliant amid growing consumerisation, says managed service and cloud solutions provider Intelliworx.
Numerous telehealth flexibilities allowed under the pandemic will need to be decided on a more permanent basis, ATA says.
The DEA's two days of curated listening sessions showcased ideas for how a special registration eliminating in-person evaluation requirements for medically necessary controlled substances might work, but the agency indicated a need for more specifics.
Postmenopausal patients can get a prescription for ASCEND Therapeutics' EstroGel by scheduling an appointment with a LifeMD provider through the pharma brand's website.
In a letter to Anne Milgram, administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration, they say Congress created a special registration under the SUPPORT Act "not as an option for DEA to utilize, but a requirement."
Also, Genea runs an integrated surgery management system powered by Clintel's CareRight.
A new digital platform will now be used to collect and store ADR reports.
There is a need to modernise and optimise end-to-end prescription medication delivery while also harmonising pharmacy processes across the region.
The initiative is designed to lower prescription medication costs by roughly $500 million annually once the model is fully implemented.
The partners are releasing a mobile app containing a digital version of the Lippincott Nursing Drug Handbook, complete with FDA updates.